NeuraViPeR Team

Kickoff meeting Sep 2020

Tobi Delbruck - Professor

Niklas Hahn - PhD Student

Zuowen Wang - PhD Student

Pieter Roelfsema - Professor, Principal Investigator

Corinne Orlemann - PhD Student

Eduardo Fernandez - Professor, Principal Investigator

Leili Soo - PD Researcher

Marcel van Gerven - Professor, Principal Investigator

Bodo Rueckauer - PD Researcher

Burcu Küçükoğlu - PhD Student

Patrick Ruther - PhD, Principal Investigator

Christian Böhler - PD Researcher

Maria Asplund - Professor, Principal Investigator

Carolina Mora Lopez - PhD, Principal Investigator

Bogdan Raducanu - Engineer

Patrick Hendrickx - Engineer

Bert Monna - PhD, Principal Investigator

Bert Monna is CEO of Phosphoenix, a start-up company that will bring visual cortical prosthesis technology to clinical approval.

Ex-Members NeuraViPeR

UZH: Hasan Mohamed, Shu Wang

ALU-FR: Ahmed Saeed

KNAW: Xing Chen, Bingshuo Li

Open Positions

Please send an email to shih[at] if interested in a doctoral position in machine learning.